Edplus360 - Educational Management system
https://edplus360.comAn Education management system that caters for 360 degrees of all the processes in a school. The site was built with Laravel Framework and Vue.js.
Insurance Chatbot for Vidabot
https://myvidabot.herokuapp.comAn Insurance Chatbot that can help users to get the best quote for their insurance needs. The chatbot is built using Python, Flask, and a custom NLU model.
https://myvidabot.herokuapp.comAn Insurance management system built on top of Django and ReactJs
Simple Markdown Editor simple markdown editor built with reactjs, grid, daisy ui, tailwind css. It allows a user to edit and preview their markdown text
Random Quote Generator app is a random Quote Generator built with Html5, SCSS and JavaScript. You can generate a random quote and share it on Twitter
Genuine Electronics website for an electronics distribution company in uganda.
Susis Library full blown web Application Library built with Mongo, Node.js, passport authentication, Goodreads Third-party Api and bootstrap css.
Notedly Web App Front End to the Notedly API Backend. It Consumes the Notedly API.
Notedly API Backend API for a Note Web Application. It provides User Authentication through Web tokens and it allows users to create, View, Edit, favorite and Delete Notes
Back-end Development
writing APIs, writing code to interact with a database, creating libraries, working on business processes and data architecture, and much more
Front-end Development
Build and design the User Interface, determining how the site looks to users, Mocking UI and adding Dynamicity and Responsiveness
Graphic Design
Creating Posters, Banners, logos and Social Media Content with programs like Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
Web Designing
Architecting the overall look and feel of website on both mobile and desktop front ends from colors to typography.